Saturday, March 12, 2016

WEEK OF THE WRITER!!! Number.... 3? 4?

Hello all!  I've returned. Blowing the dust off of this old blog and making a return.

Again.  But never mind that.

A few years back, whenever Spring Break would roll around I would deem it the Week of the Writer. (Seriously though, is this 3 or 4? *checks old posts* Is it only two? Huh. Ugh. Who's counting anyways!) Week of the Writer is when I take a bunch of writer related goals and shove them into the crannies of free time that I wouldn't have during a regular week.

Can we get real for second?  I haven't been really writing lately. I let the blog go, I wasn't writing my stories, and I even stopped reading. It's been ridiculous. Every time I think about writing it seems like this far away thing that I've missed out on or something. It's hard to explain exactly, but I know that 3, 5, 10 years from now I don't want to think 'what if... If only...'. I should take this daydream and turn it into something more tangible.

.....Ooook. Now that that's been aired out let's get down to business.

Week of the Writer Goals

  1. Finish 2 Shorts
  2. Mail my letters from InCoWriCo
  3. Read the small stack of books I've had too long from the library
  4. Come up with my AtoZ theme
  5. Plan for a potential Camp NaNo?
  6. Blog about all of it

I'm sure I'll come up with something to add to this later but this is what I'm looking at right now. Here's to a productive week!

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